Thursday, April 17, 2014

"That was fun"

Eric comes into the playroom where i was at looking and researching some yoga. He comes from behind and gives me forehead kisses then makes his way to my lips. It get intimate and intense. Then he asks me "wanna have sex?" 
I tell me sure! 
Remember it's still daylight out and his parents are outside mowing the lawn. 
He wanted to do it since we had the house to ourselves for the time being.
He pushed up against me rough and just like that it was over quick. his comment to me was "that was fun!" 
i agreed for how fast it was and we sort of had a timer on us till his parents came back inside.

Head in the clouds

It was a monday night April 14, 2014. I went over to Eric's house cause he wanted me to. I didn't expect a night like that to happen what so ever. We began in the hot tub which above us was the eclipse hitting its end. This night involved some alcohol and maybe a few pain killers. Norcos. Eric kissed my shoulder and rubbed my leg, which felt nice and relaxing. I knew he was in the mood for some bonding. Once we went back inside the magic began. We showered off with some foreplay and led it to the bed. I closed my eyes and just went with the flow and so did my ass. Bended forward i felt my head was in the clouds. I almost thought as if i blacked out for half of the time not knowing what happened, yet i did. I was aroused and ecstatic. A night to remember and will never forget. He made me feel good.